Sanny Aura Syahrani (born in Bandung, West Java, February 23, 1988; age 21 years) who is better known as Aura Kasih is an Indonesian singer.
Aura Kasih began his career as Miss Indonesia 2007 finalists represent the province of Lampung. Angel is her first album released Seducer in 2008 with the main song called Let Sex. This song is known by a single dance-hall.
Aura is now acting to try to play in the film Two Diana Asmara. The film was released in December 2008. In this film, but against the role, Aura also sang the soundtrack of this movie. This soundtrack was released in December 2008 with the headline Puncak Asmara.
Pakai baju ini tidak cocok .. pakai bluss on ini jadi keliahatan tua... potong rambut model ini malah terlihat gemuk.. ughh... Tidak usah minder ato merasa kurang pede karena kami hadir tuk memberikan solusi dari semua masalah kamu... GAMPANG! semua ada disini langsung dari hp kamu, ketik REG CANTIK kirim ke 9789(khusus Telkomsel) So tunggu apa lagi! mau terlihat cantik psti bisa! *(^_^)*